Transfer LinkWare Live Organization Ownership

There may be times when the LinkWare Live login account needs to be assigned to a different email; for example if it was originally set up using a group email account, and the Owner wishes to set it to a different individual email account.  In LinkWare Live “My Profile” settings, the email field is not editable.

Here is the workaround for changing the email for the Owner Account:

  1. Add/invite the other email as with Role Manager to the Organization (INTERNAL USERS -> Add User).
  2. After user has been invited and the invitation is accepted by the new user (including creating a new LinkWare Live login), login with original owner credentials and click on the Organization name on the top right corner.
  3. Select “Account & Settings” option.
  4. On that page, click on Transfer Ownership button.
  5. A pop up window will appear. Select the user email to whom you want to transfer ownership to and save the changes.
  6. Logout and log back in with other email and password


Optional:  Go to Users and delete the user account with the original email.

Only an Owner of an Organization can transfer ownership to a new email address.